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Student Leadership
Really helped to improve
our skills and how to
interact with each other
in the most effective way.
It gave me lots
of helpful information which
I can put into practice.
Our Student Leadership training helps attendees to enhance their leadership and team work skills, and maximises their effectiveness for the school.
We always prefer to personalise training to meet your exact educational needs, however a typical half-day workshop might include:
Being a good role model
Working both as a leader and within a team
Understanding our own strengths and weaknesses with regard to teamwork and leadership (emotional intelligence)
Handling difficult students (including peers)
Getting my message across and persuading other people
Please just get in touch to chat about your particular needs.
“I've learned that people will
forget what you said, people will
forget what you did, but people will
never forget how you made them feel.”
Maya Angelou
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