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Ready For The Future
There is so much more to the sixth form than just exams and the time to get sixth form students ‘on-track’ is often limited.
‘Ready For The Future’ helps students to make the right decisions and do the right things in Year 12 to secure their future (whether at university or in the workplace).
This pragmatic and interactive 1hr 40min/2 hour workshop can be run for a full or half-year group at the end of Year 11 or during the Autumn Term of Year 12.
The workshop helps students with a route map for Year 12 and covers the following topics:
Taking Ownership of My Future
The Importance of a Sixth Form Goal
Online Research
The Best Way To Gain Work Experience
Exploiting Open Days
Making A Good First Impression
What Employer and Universities Want
Getting Ready for Personal Statements and Covering Letters
Students leave the workshop more confident about their future and knowing what needs to be done in Year 12, which helps them gain the very best grades in the sixth form.
Please email us or complete our enquiry form here so we can discuss how this would work for your school and we can answer any of your questions.
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