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Independent Learning

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Our independent learning conferences help students to develop good independent learning skills, for the sixth form, university and the workplace. 

‘Independent Learning Conference Part 1’ helps students with two key independent learning skills:
•    Speed Reading (reading faster with the same comprehension)
      Helping students to absorb information faster and read around their subject.
•    Effective Note Taking (making notes from speech) 
      Helping students to make excellent notes and get the very best grades.

‘Independent Learning Conference Part 2’ helps students with two further independent learning skills:

•    Condensing/Summarising (to 20% of the original written text)
       Helping students to learn/revise effectively, reference and avoid plagiarism
•    Time Management (using our time effectively and efficiently)
       Helping students to optimise work-life balance, avoid last-minute itis and stay focussed on

       their studies.

We typically run these conferences for whole year groups.  They each run for approximately 1 hour (tailored to your school timetable) and are best delivered in the morning.  It is also possible to run them back-to-back as one two-hour conference.  Either way, we will work alongside you to ensure that it is well organised and a success for all.  


 "You will never change your life
until you change something you do daily.
The secret of your success
is found in your daily routine."

John Maxwell

Students and staff regularly tell us that our conferences are enjoyable and engaging, especially as we incorporate lots of activities throughout.  Schools like that students go away having practised the techniques and are immediately ready to implement them across the curriculum.

In a nutshell, these conferences support subject teachers across the curriculum and help to optimise learning and maximise grades.

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Please email us or complete our enquiry form here so we can discuss how our sixth form study skills workshops in schools would work for your school and we can answer any of your questions.

Passionate about making a difference in the lives of young people.

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Company No. 5636237.

Registered in England & Wales, based in Sussex.

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